Can You Cash Out On Bitcoin

Whether you need USD, GBP, Rubles, or any other currency, there are a few things to know about how to cash out Bitcoin. Factors to consider when cashing out Bitcoin. Before cashing out your Bitcoin (or any other cryptocurrency), there are some factors you should consider: Transaction fees and steps required by each process. As long as you have all the necessary credentials and verification, cashing out with Coinbase is a breeze! Coinbase will support conversion from Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash to US dollars. All you have to do is connect a US bank account to your Coinbase account, and then order the transfer.

HomeBusiness4 Ways to Cash Out Bitcoin & Other Cryptocurrencies

People who trade and exchange on the crypto market are not always sure when or how they will be able to cash out their savings and earn some money from their activity in this huge market. You may be one of those people who made millions of their cryptocurrencies, and there is always some point that makes you cash out everything you have and leave the crypto space, becoming rich in your real life. There are a few methods you can use to make money for your crypto savings. You can exchange them using that day’s rate and withdraw the amount to your bank account, or also, you can choose to receive the payment on your virtual bank account. This article will help you decide which method is the best for you and how you can earn a lot if you know how to properly behave on the crypto market.

Many financial experts think that Bitcoins and all the other cryptocurrencies are the future of the whole finance sector. The different cash out methods can be simple and cheap, or advanced and more expensive, but anyway, they work, and almost every trader who wants to receive the money they earned, can easily access them and use them to buy everyday things, pay the bills, and so on.

In this article, we will explain how the most common cashing out methods work, and which one is the best to use, according to your needs and preferences. Also, some questions you may have will finally be answered and explained, so you won’t have any problem using the money you are earning from your crypto activity on the market.

These are the most common cash out ways for crypto traders:

Can you cash out money on bitcoin

1. Exchange through third-party brokers

This is a simple act of offering your crypto savings for fiat money, and vice versa. When the broker accepts your offer, you need to send them the coins and request a money withdrawal. The best option is to do this with a simple bank transfer, so you can avoid breaking the money laundering rules and policies. It’s always the best choice to use a legal bank account, even though that means you will need to pay some fees for this service. You will receive your money in at least one day, but not more than 5 business days. Also, you need to decide in which currency you want to receive them. This method is pretty time-consuming, and many of the traders prefer something that will work more quickly, and won’t take much time.

2. Peer-to-peer transactions

This method works great with Bitcoins, but also with some other currencies. The transaction is performed through a web-platform for trading. The whole process is maybe longer than the broker way, but after you put your cash deposit and transfer the money, you are getting proof of a transaction, that you can use to exchange and get your money. Some traders decide to meet with the buyer in person and get their money in cash, but that’s a risky step. Most of the experienced traders will recommend you to keep the coins in your digital wallet until you get a nice settlement, and you are sure the transaction will be completed without any problems.

3. Use local cryptocurrencies

Some countries have their own cryptocurrencies and in many cases, you will be able to exchange the Bitcoins and other commercial currencies for your local one. Another way to use the people around you is to locate the brokers and traders near you and try to make a deal with them. Some trading platforms are supporting these options.

4. Crypto ATMs

In some countries, you can use the ATMs to cash out your crypto savings, after you exchanged them for fiat money. But, some machines support cashing out directly from your digital wallet, with a small fee you need to pay for that service. You need to be careful and always check the available amount of money you have, and then use the crypto ATMs that support using of cryptocurrencies.

Some useful tips

Can You Cash Out On Bitcoin

Always use a legit platform

No matter what action you are trying to take, you need to be sure that you know what are you doing, so you can protect yourself from scams. After you are sure that you are using verified and legit trading software or website, you can be sure your bank account, PayPal, or digital wallet are protected.

Follow the news

This market is changing every day, and you need to follow what’s new. It’s very important to know how the rates are changing and when is the right time to look for a trade. This is a remarkable market, that is prone to big changes, and you need to always be informed of how things are going.

Don’t avoid the other cryptocurrencies

Can You Cash Out Money On Bitcoin

The exchanging rates of the Bitcoins are maybe the best, but as you gain more experience, you will get aware that some of the altcoins are also worth investing in. Next time you may try with Ethereum, or Litecoin, for a change.

Know the status of the cryptocurrencies in your country

In some countries, the cryptocurrencies are legal to use and trade, but also, there are those who are forbidding the usage due to financial problems.

Don’t send the money directly to the trader

Most of the platforms offer an escrow option, and if something unpleasant happens, the customer care support will react immediately as you report the problem. But, if you send the money directly to the seller, you may end up losing your savings.

If you want to earn big, you must be ready to risk something. The crypto trading comes with a lot of risks and it’s on you to decide which platform you will use, and how much you will invest in this. If you want to learn more about how all of this works, and for the option to make money while you are traveling to work or just spending your spare time on the Internet you can visit

Since there are a number of places worldwide, where Bitcoin holders may spend their digital funds, knowledge of how to cash out a Bitcoin is equally important.

How To Get Cash For Bitcoin

Although Bitcoin is a digital coin that has no physical form, it can certainly be converted to any traditional currency. There are several ways how anyone can do that and this article will bring a brief review on any of them.

However, before cashing out it is necessary to evaluate factors like:

  • the number of assets you are going to withdraw;
  • the fees of withdrawal;
  • the type of account (bank or PayPal) where the transaction will be made to;
  • how long will it take for assets to reach the account.
  • the local bank taxes and fees, that might be applied depending on the bank or the country.

Yet, when you’ve estimated the factors mentioned above, the final step to do is to choose a method of how you are going to withdraw money from Bitcoin.

Can you cash out bitcoin for us dollars

How to cash out Bitcoin through the regular exchanges

Since there are dozens of cryptocurrency exchanges online, none of them converts Bitcoins to fiat currencies directly. However, the process can be made safely and transparently by sending funds to the bank or PayPal account.

In order to cash out Bitcoin via an online exchange, you first need to have a valid account on a cryptocurrency exchange such as Coinbase, Bitstamp, or Coinspot. This is what you will need to do:

  1. To open an account on cryptocurrency exchange you just need to sign up, verify your account by submitting the required identification documents and link it to your bank or PayPal account.
  2. To make a Bitcoin deposit, which at least should be worth $10. Later you could sell your Bitcoins for cash, which then will be sent to your bank account.
  3. Withdraw funds to the personal bank or PayPal account. To do this, first choose the withdrawal method from the menu on the withdrawal page.
  4. Enter all of the bank account details.
  5. Submit the request.

Since most of the cryptocurrency exchanges apply reasonable fees (mainly around 1.5%) for Bitcoin withdrawals, the process of transferring funds to the bank’s SWIFT (USD) or SEPA (EUR) account may last up to 5 business days depending on the country you’re based in.

How much Bitcoins can you cash out via the exchange?

If you are going to cash out large amounts of Bitcoins, it is worth knowing what limits do the online cryptocurrency exchanges apply. Most of them however apply the limits on amounts that may be withdrawn daily.

Depending on the exchange and on the region the user is located, these limits may vary. Coinbase, for example, allows the daily withdrawal limit up to $10.000. Meanwhile, the withdrawal limit on Binance is 2 Bitcoins per day for the unverified users or 100 Bitcoins for verified users.

Usually, online exchanges provide their users with the possibility to increase the withdrawal limits by upgrading the level of the account.

Cashing out through online exchanges is one of the safest ways to withdraw Bitcoins. If the transfer time and withdrawal fees are not right for you, then you should consider another way of Bitcoin withdrawal.

For Bitcoin holders who prefer a higher level of anonymity when converting Bitcoins to cash, the option of using the peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency exchange is available.

Contrary to their centralized counterparties, the P2P exchanges like LocalBitcoins or Paxful do not hold Bitcoins for their users. Instead, they connect traders and allow them to make deals privately while staying anonymous.

In order to make a transaction on P2P exchange, users have to follow the simple instructions:

  1. To open an account on P2P exchange and verify their ID by submitting the required documents and linking it to the valid bank or PayPal account.
  2. To find a reliable buyer. Thus it is important to check up the feedback score and review the comments on another user. Although the decentralized P2P exchanges give more privacy and anonymity, the spot prices of digital assets as well as fees are set by the individual traders. Thus users who want to sell their Bitcoins should evaluate both their possible profits and competitive environment carefully.
  3. Make a transaction. The important moment here is to use a P2P exchange that includes escrow service. This means that Bitcoins will be currently locked since the seller confirms he received payment.

Since P2P exchanges support various payment methods, users can choose within bank transfer, gift voucher or PayPal, Skrill, Payoneer, Western Union, or Neteller.

Although Bitcoin is rapidly going its path towards the wider adoption, it still may take time to cash out the world’s leading digital currency. And since the only direct option to convert Bitcoins to fiat is by using Bitcoin ATMs, the amount of them is not enough across the globe to meet the needs of remote users or those who are located elsewhere than in the big cities.

Can You Cash Out On Bitcoin

Can You Cash Out Bitcoin On Coinbase

However, there still are ways of how to cash out Bitcoins on regular and P2P exchanges. While both types of exchanges have their own advantages and scarcities, it is important to evaluate personal needs first. The factors like transaction fee, time or type of the account to which the funds will be withdrawn, as well as local laws should be kept in mind before cashing out the benchmark digital currency.