Number Of Decks In Blackjack

I am pretty new to Blackjack, but I am very eager to learn a lot about it and the mathematics involved. To know how many decks of cards do casinos use for blackjack also depends on the number of decks that the players will use different games, if most players are playing 8 deck blackjack games, then more cards will be used than how many decks in casino blackjack compared to users who use.

  • The table shows that the impact of reduced blackjack odds is much greater than increasing the number of decks. So whilst you may hear “always play single deck” as advice, it is crucial to ensure that the other key rules are also the same. Playing a single deck game with a reduced 6/5 blackjack payout has a house edge roughly two and a half times that of an eight-deck game with the normal.
  • The number of decks in blackjack can either be single blackjack or multiple deck blackjack games. Single deck blackjack uses only one set of cards, the total number of cards is 52. Multiple deck blackjack include the 6 deck blackjack, 3 deck blackjack, 8 deck blackjack, and 10 deck blackjack.
  • The effect of using variations to the strategy is dependent on the card counting system employed, the depth of penetration and the number of decks in play. In case you participate in a single-deck game, the potential profit, you could achieve by changing basic strategy plays based on the count with perfect play, could be 66% greater than the.
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Not that KJ ask, but my primary purpose for straight up play is the option having the next card drawn could the last of your current hand. But is could also frequently be the first card of your next hand.
It has nothing to do hole carding etc. etc. But rather the same purpose a counter decides to hit or stand.
True count comes downs to percentages. However, there are different ways of arriving at the solution.
My problem is the rest of the blackjack world plays more than one deck and/or more than one person at the table. Thus Sims, books, and charts are all designed with the same universal process. CV Data is a great product but will not work for this because, according to view logs, the dealer finishes the hand even when the straight up players busts first.
Thus a ton of extra work on my part. I've talked with college math professors and/or others who might be able to sim it or come up with a formula. I'm convinced Don S is the perhaps only person on earth to come up with a formula for this application. My belief is the answer comes from the tags assigned to create a strong deck composition, playing efficiency, and SCORE. Until Don S decides to dig deeper, arriving at the best solution can only come with hard work and short term results.
The difference KJ, as Norm said in his book, is that Norm does not give consideration to money management. My entire game evolves around money management. Sims are designed based on thresholds to win each hand. My game is based on advantages to win the deck.

Number Of Decks In Blackjack


Not that KJ ask, but my primary purpose for straight up play is the option having the next card drawn could the last of your current hand. But is could also frequently be the first card of your next hand.
It has nothing to do hole carding etc. etc. But rather the same purpose a counter decides to hit or stand.
True count comes downs to percentages. However, there are different ways of arriving at the solution.

I am sorry moses, but your strategy makes no sense to me. If you don't KNOW what that next card is, either through hole-carding or possibly some sort of key card tracking, or to a lesser extent the remaining make up a deck through card counting, you are essentially guessing at the next card and quite possibly sacrificing the current hand and an opportunity to improve a current losing (-EV) hand, in the 'hopes' that the next hand is better.
Now if you know for sure that the next card out is an ACE, then yes, that is more valuable as the first card of the next hand, than slightly improving your current losing -EV hand, to a slightly less negative (double negative there, which is a writing no no) hand.
KJ. Think of it this way. What constitutes the difference between a min. vs a max bet? The cards that remain in the deck. No? Many different strategies from simple to highly complex make that determination.
CV Data generates indexes which are revered as the gospel. They are merely thresholds.
Funny, when Don S started the thread at BJTF. Most of the respones were, How do you know?
The answer is, you dont know. You are playing the percentages.
Im going to lose you here. But bare with me. Your method of always standing on 16vs10 is very well thought out.🖒
It's pretty much a losing hand until at least 60% small cards remain vs and 40% or less large cards remain.
This is the advantage strike point. But it doesnt matter for you because by the time a shoe gets to that negative point? You've already made like Elvis and 'left the building.'
But in single deck, I can turn many losing hands into winning hands. Hence, a well educated guess that comes from tons of research and good old fashioned hard work.
I think I get what Moses is saying. Let’s take an extreme example. The casino deals out the entire deck 100%, so long as at least four cards left l in a heads up game. You are near the at the end of the deck and have 16 vs dealer 10.
You know that the unknown remaining cards (of which there are 5):
1 ace
2 fives
Number Of Decks In Blackjack2 tens
Should you hit? Note that if you hit you will not get a next hand. If you stand, you might get a next hand.
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.

Number Of Decks In Blackjack Game

Lets use the first hand of the deck as an example. You have 9.7. Dealer has 10 up. If you hit? There are still 4 Aces that will get you to 17. There are 16 cards that will land you between 18 and 21. There are 29 cards that will break you AND the dealer doesnt have to do a thing.
Of those 29 cards. 15 have a value of 10. 4 Aces still remain. If an Ace was in the hole the dealer would have flipped over a blackjack and we wave good-bye to that chip in the circle.
What is the good buy? Stand. There are still 20 cards in the hole that will make the dealer hit. There are only 25 now that forces a stand.
Now you have 19 prime cards 10,A that could start your next hand 15 of which would've broke your hand or 4 would get you to 17. From a money management standpoint? Im standing.
If I hit and take out a large card and dealer has a 10 in the hole? Chances are good I will never get out of negative territory for that deck which gets shuffled again in just 5 hands.

Lets use the first hand of the deck as an example. You have 9.7. Dealer has 10 up. If you hit? There are still 4 Aces that will get you to 17. There are 16 cards that will land you between 18 and 21. There are 29 cards that will break you AND the dealer doesnt have to do a thing.
Of those 29 cards. 15 have a value of 10. 4 Aces still remain. If an Ace was in the hole the dealer would have flipped over a blackjack and we wave good-bye to that chip in the circle.
What is the good buy? Stand. There are still 20 cards in the hole that will make the dealer hit. There are only 25 now that forces a stand.
Now you have 19 prime cards 10,A that could start your next hand 15 of which would've broke your hand or 4 would get you to 17. From a money management standpoint? Im standing.

Thank you for setting up this scenario. Now we are getting somewhere. And unfortunately, you aren't going to like what I am about to post.
See where you said 'There are still 20 cards in the hole that will make the dealer hit'? just because there is a small card in the hole to go with the dealer 10, meaning he has to hit again, doesn't make it a winning hand for the player. That second hit on that now 'stiff' is going to result in the dealer making his hand, I don't know 40% of the time. 40% of those 20 chances is 8 times the dealer will draw a small card, hit again and draw a second small card making his hand. Add that 8 to the 25 that he makes his hand with the first card drawn and now if you stand you lose 33 out of 45 chances, or nearly 75%.
THAT is why the correct play is to hit in a neutral count situation and with 9,7 vs dealer 10, it isn't even a neutral count situation, it is a negative count situation (-1), so even more so.
Bottom line is you are sort of trying to rework basic strategy, which is like trying to re-invent the wheel.moses
Thanks for this post from:
67% of the time you will hit and lose and the dealer does nothing.
There are 29 cards that allow the dealer to stand.
Perhaps reinventing the wheel is a fair anology in a multi deck game.
But in a single deck straight up there is no time to recover. Looking at as two hands instead of one is money management. Something sims cant do.
But thanks for your response. However Im confused. You always stand?

67% of the time you will hit and lose and the dealer does nothing.

This is not correct. If only the three cards you mentioned, player 9,7 and dealer 10 have been played there are 20 cards (ace trough 5's) that will improve the players hand and only 29 cards tat will bust him. That is a 59% automatic loss by busting, not 67%.
But unfortunately that doesn't mean you will win the other 41%. You won't. Some of those times you will improve your hand, say with a 2 or 3 but still lose.
The bottom line is it is a losing hand either way. A close call, but slightly better for neutral deck to hit and even better at -1, which the count is wit those three cards having been played (removed).
I am telling you that you are trying to hard to re-invent the wheel. This stuff has been done for us already by people like Don S, Wizard, and others and later re-affirmed by simulations. Keep it simple moses! Lol.
Actually 67% you will lose or take an Ace out of the deck. 33/49.
CV Data sims indicate the dealers hit even after the player busts. Check your tires. It may not be the wheel.😉